
【原创】Viva La Vida的元曲式歌词翻译――草莽歌(转寄)

发信人: ivorist (爱我本色), 信区: PopMusic
标 题: 【原创】Viva La Vida的元曲式歌词翻译――草莽歌
发信站: 水木社区 (Fri Mar 27 12:45:15 2009), 站内

貌似今年这首歌火得一塌糊涂,应朋友要求,贴我配的歌词翻译。促使我翻译它的原因之一还有,依稀记得有人对我说,这首歌的歌词如那副名画《La Liberté Guidant Le Peuple》一般,是浪漫派,充满玄机,晦涩难懂。我得让他明白,其实用我们中华文明诠释一下,其内涵也不过了了。

草莽歌/生命无上 Viva La Vida

昨日一统三江, I used to rule the world
登高振臂,保不定呼风唤浪。 Seas would rise when I gave the word
谁承望今晨独醒, Now in the morning I sleep alone
流落在烟花巷! Sweep the streets I used to own
当年大权独掌, I used to roll the dice
横眉立目,盯他个魂飞胆丧。 Feel the fear in my enemy's eyes
乱哄哄平民拥唱: Listen as the crowd would sing:
先帝崩矣!我皇无量! "Now the old king is dead! Long live the king!"
正持那玺印在手时不长, One minute I held the key
谁知他顷刻枷锁肩上扛。 Next the walls were closed on me
这才道说什么固若金汤, And I discovered that my castles stand
原只是碎盐散沙、陋柱空梁。 Upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand

圣城金钟齐奏响, I hear Jerusalem bells a ringing
胡骑楚歌闻四方。 Roman Cavalry choirs are singing
说什么擎长剑、执铜盾、镜前妆, Be my mirror my sword and shield
仗干戈训誓在他乡。 My missionaries in a foreign field
甚荒唐, For some reason I can't explain
却才离是非场, Once you go, there was never
净听些草莽腔, never an honest word
怎叫个我武惟扬! That was when I ruled the world

凛冽冽严风吹将, It was the wicked and wild wind
破门窗,把宫闯。 Blew down the doors to let me in
满地城阙瓦,遍野鼓彷徨, Shattered windows and the sound of drums
眼睁睁万民底下鸟尽弓藏。 People couldn't believe what I'd become
拥者俱往矣, Revolutionaries wait
引颈宴玉觞。 For my head on a silver plate
却如何你方唱罢我登场, Just a puppet on a lonely string
到头来都做个傀儡皇上! Oh who would ever want to be king?
圣城金钟齐奏响, I hear Jerusalem bells a ringing
胡骑楚歌闻四方。 Roman Cavalry choirs are singing
说什么擎长剑、执铜盾、镜前妆, Be my mirror my sword and shield
仗干戈训誓在他乡。 My missionaries in a foreign field
甚荒唐, For some reason I can't explain
无非是神灵未钦命, I know Saint Peter won't call my name
净听些草莽腔, Never an honest word
怎叫个我武惟扬! But that was when I ruled the world

大家看出来了吧?元曲 +《红楼梦》中《好了歌注》的形式,便可大功告成,名曰《草莽歌》是也。

※ 来源:・水木社区 http://newsmth.net・[FROM: 69.134.241.*]

